After-sale Service
After-sale service
1.If you find that the package is damaged when you receive it, please do not sign for it and check with the courier on the spot to confirm the damage degree of internal products and contact us.Then provide written documents and photos of damaged boxes or products.Keep the damaged products and boxes and please ask the express service provider to send them back to us. Do not return any damaged products by yourself.
Note: whatever the damage is, you must keep all products and boxes until the courier checks it. Do not return any products to us before confirmation.
2.You can return most unopened goods within 15 days when receiving, and get a full refund after deducting bank handling fees and freight charges. If you enjoyed a discount or giveaway when ordering, the discount charges will be deducted at the time of refund.
3.We will provide exchange or return for any defective goods. It must be returned in the original packages and the freight incurred in the return will be borne by us. After receiving the returned product, we will send you the correct product for free to ensure the problem is rectified in time. But please pay attention that defective products must be returned to us within 30 days of your receipt.
4.If you ordered wrong goods or do not need for some reason, we can refund for you; and there will be a 30% return fee (including the tariffs of Chinese customs). You must contact us by email or online customer service before returning.
5.If the goods you returned are not in the original packages, we will charge an additional 20% re-packaging fee or labor cost. We will not accept you return when the goods can not be resold.
6.When returning, please ensure to pack them properly. We will not pay refunds when the goods are damaged due to poor packages.
7.You will receive the refund within 30 days. The time includes: 5-10 workdays of shipping time, 3-5 working days of the recheck time in our warehouse, and 5-10 working days of the bank processing refund time.
8.We do not accept the return of any special products, free gifts and marked defective products.